Woman training at the gym in the Kemi Swimming Pool.

Sports Areas and Facilities

Kemi has several outdoor and indoor sports areas where you can exercise all year round.  

There are two Frisbee golf courses, one in Ajos and one in Pajarinranta, and a park-like 12-hole golf course in Junko. 

There is also an archery range in Ristikangas. 

Local sports venues in schools can be used freely outside school hours. 

School sport halls must be booked separately at the sports office. 

Kemi has two sports areas: Sauvosaari Sports Park and Karihaara Athletic Field. 

There are gyms , the swimming pool, Sauvosaari Sports Park and the Hepola School. In addition, you can find outdoor exercise equipment in Paavonkari, on the shores of Lake Takajärvi and in the senior park in Ruutinranta.