CIRCULAR NOTE : Due to the ongoing corona virus pandemic the following protective measures have been introduced

Due to the ongoing corona virus pandemic the following protective measures have been introduced in the City of Kemi:

1. No visits are allowed in the homes for the aged or the Sauvosaari hospital. However, in case of an exceptional need to visit the hospital, please contact a duty nurse of the unit.

2. All public places are closed. This includes:

  • the Culture Center, including all its functions
  • the swimming hall
  • the Kemi-kammari
  • the Culture Center for Children
  • youth community centers
  • gymnastics halls in schools and public sport facilities
  • public events, including theatre performances, concerts and similar events
  • daily activities for senior citizens, rehabilitative vocational activities and workshops
  • Leipätehdas activity enter
  • day-hospital and other daily activities for the elderly
  • training for family care

In addition:

  • sauna services are limited to one group
  • group vacations are discontinued
  • foster family activities are limited
  • non-urgent services of the family health care will be scaled down
  • service hours will be restricted, for example in the social services
  • the same actions are also recommended to private and third sector actors and religious communities.

3. Early childhood education and the preschool education continues, with specific protective measures. In case parents and guardians can organize childcare at home, this is recommended. Fee payments will be adjusted according to the recommendations of the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities.

4. High school and comprehensive schools

  • high school Kemin lyseon lukio switches to distance learning until further notice
  • comprehensive schools implement distance learning until further notice, except
  • at comprehensive school classes 1–3: education continues, with specific protective measures, if parents work in critical sectors of the community. For pupils of special support arrangements, contact learning will be organised, if needed. However, if parents of these pupils can organise distance learning at home, this is encouraged.
  • Matriculation examination will be carried out by 23.3.2020, according to expedited schedule published 13.3.2020, taking into account requirements of healthcare authorities.

5. Public gatherings will be limited to a maximum of 10 persons and unnecessary lingering in public places should be avoided.

6. Citizens over 70 years old are obliged to avoid contacts with other people as far as possible (circumstances similar with quarantine). The City will arrange help for example with groceries for this risk group. Contact number to help service is: 016-259552

7. The City increases the capacity in social and health care by reducing all non-urgent actions. At the same time, legal deadlines and obligations are considered flexible

8. Kemin Energia ja Vesi Oy concentrates to secure the supply of electricity, heating and water in the city area.

The above actions are effective immediately.

Instructions are updated according to circumstances and Government decisions.