Summer jobs 2020

Application for City of Kemi, summer job campaign and for entrepreneurship. Summer jobs do not apply for students at comprehensive school or students graduating from comprehensive school on 2020. Graduating students are not selected for summer jobs.

Guidance for fill in the application form:

Students, who have permanent address in Kemi and are registered at upper secondary education can apply summer jobs.

City of Kemi: Summer job period is three (3) weeks and working hours are 6 hours per day. Salary is 500 euros for three weeks job period. Salary includes vacation compensation.

Summer job coupon: Alternative where student applies for a job from company or public association. Work period is three (3) weeks and working hours six (6) per day. City of Kemi will compensate the employer 375 euros. Employer should pay salary as collective labor agreement regulate. Summer job coupon which will be presented to the employer can be collected from Kemi city hall 8th floor from 13.5.2020.

The names and jobs of selected persons can be seen on Kemi’s website from 13th of May 2020.